Oh dear
- Had another one of those moments this week where my reaction was “Oh dear!”.
- My customer had been down to the river with the dog, said dog had a ball but swallowed a lot of river water in the process!
- Upon returning home, the poor pup’s stomach was obviously brimming with too much river water, and up it came along with breakfast!
- Panic mode ensued and out came an aerosol carpet spray, soda water, then after Googling the good ol’ bicarb, vinegar and some other generic carpet “cleaner” were all employed.
- So what I had was a mess to deal with!!
- No promises were given as she had gone to town on this very expensive, woollen carpet, but I did manage to get a result that they were very happy with!
- Not a 100% result as there was some damage to the carpet, but at least it was to the point that unless you were looking for it, you couldn’t see it, so happy days!