- Ah, dogs, a man’s best friend. But the wife’s nightmare!
- I had a job today that the wife told me had been peed on several times by their dog, and now, when friends visited, their dogs kept doing the same.
- She showed me the general area on the far side of the room and said, “It’s just around here”.
- Wanting to believe her but knowing that it’s rare to be “just in that area”, I brought out the trust UV light and found it to be there as she suspected, but also beside the couch and in a long trail leading to the entry!
- She was quite shocked, but absolutely wanted it corrected, which is what I set about doing and 90mins later, I had a carpet that smelled and looked significantly better!
- Had she not have wanted me to do it, just cleaning (as she’d initially asked for) would not have taken care of it; in fact it would have made it worse by getting moisture onto it!
- Urine is one of those jobs that you either do properly, or don’t do it at all! And also is another one of out fields of expertise.
- Pets out of control? Give us a call to sort out the issues they can leave behind.