Doggies strike again!

  • Ah, dogs, a man’s best friend. But the wife’s nightmare!
  • I had a job today that the wife told me had been peed on several times by their dog, and now, when friends visited, their dogs kept doing the same.
  • She showed me the general area on the far side of the room and said, “It’s just around here”.
  • Wanting to believe her but knowing that it’s rare to be “just in that area”, I brought out the trust UV light and found it to be there as she suspected, but also beside the couch and in a long trail leading to the entry!
  • She was quite shocked, but absolutely wanted it corrected, which is what I set about doing and 90mins later, I had a carpet that smelled and looked significantly better!
  • Had she not have wanted me to do it, just cleaning (as she’d initially asked for) would not have taken care of it; in fact it would have made it worse by getting moisture onto it!
  • Urine is one of those jobs that you either do properly, or don’t do it at all! And also is another one of out fields of expertise.
  • Pets out of control? Give us a call to sort out the issues they can leave behind.

dog pee carpet cleaning

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Here at Fresh Aire, we are able to provide carpet cleaning services to residential and commercial properties throughout the entire Perth area. Our vast selection of services will completely refresh, protect and sanitise your property.


We are able to competently restore your carpets to a near new appearance. No matter how bad you think the condition of your carpets are, chances are that we can restore them and make them look their best once again.

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